
Who knows about the country side will surely know that in the woods there are foxes.

There was this particular one who had a friend in heaven, and this fox who lived in heaven thought: “I’m going look for my buddy, because I haven’t seen him in a long time, that way I can bring him to rest up here.” So he went to meet his old friend.

-Good afternoon, my friend!

 -Good afternoon to you too!

 -I’ve come to take you to heaven so you can rest.

 -Alright! – replied eager the fox – I work so hard down here... I have grabbed many hens and done many things... I can’t do it anymore... But, how are we going to get there?

 -In a cloud! Let’s call it, and as soon as it gets here, off we go.

They did, and they were gone for many months.

After some time the fox started thinking: “it’s been a long time since I’ve been here, and there are no birds to hunt, I mean, nothing! What am I going to do? So he went to his friend:

 -buddy, I want to go now, I have been here for a long time now and I don’t want to over state my welcome.

 -Non sense! Why would you want to leave?

 -Because I have to. I have a lot of work down there.

 -Fine – replied the friend with resignation. - let’s find a rope to get you down.- so they tied a rope around the fox’s waist. As soon as you get to the ground yell: “I’m down!”

With the rope tied to his waist, the fox started to come down little by little.

 - Are you down yet?

 –Asked the mate.

 -No, not yet.

How about now?

 -No, not yet.

“Well, he’s not down yet” said the mate to himself.

As the fox was farther and farther down, the mate kept asking and waiting for some answer.

 -Are you down?!

 -Not yet!

Every answer became harder to hearlittle by little until he couldn’t hear anything.

 -Are you down?!

 -Not yet!

 -Are you down?!


 -Are you down?! - said for the last time and He didn’t hear any answer

 – Ha! He’s probably down – thought the mate and let go of the rope making the fox fall very hard to the ground.

And there he stayed, lying on the ground.

 -Ow, my friend did me wrong!

 –Said the fox lying by a road

 -What am I going to do now? I think I have a broken rib! – said the fox after falling down.

Out of nowhere, his uncle, his malle, the lion showed up.

 -Good afternoon fox, what happened to you? Why are you lying down like that?

 -They beat me – the fox lied!... He didn’t tell he had fallen down because the fox is a big fat liar

 –They hit me! I was taking some hens... Oh, man! I think they even broke me a rib.

 -What do we do now? – said the malle very worried.

 -Well, you tell me. what can I do?

 -I know! I’ll bring you machi.

Two machi arrived where the fox was lain, they were Bandurrias.

 -Where’s the sick one?

 -Here – said the lion.

 -Where does it hurt?– inquired a machi.

 -My rib is killing me! – lied the fox again, because it didn’t hurt anymore... The two machi started singing while playing the kultrún “¡He will get well!, ¡He will get well!” after a while the two bandurrias flew away.

-Thanks – said malle to the bandurrias.

As soon as they were gone the fox got up feeling much better.

 -I’m all good now - he said.

 -Oh, you look very well.

 -Yes, I’m very well.

 -So, let’s go catch a lamb now! There are lots of lambs over there... Are you hungry? – said malle to the fox.

-Oh, yes, I’m hungry.

So they went where the sheep were.

 -You go first, fox. I’ll wait here under the quila – said the lion.

The fox went to catch some sheep. Some of them had just given birth and hopped around with their little lambs. Sheep get cranky when they have little lambs, when the fox approached them they hit him and left him all beat up on the ground. After a while he went back to his malle.

-Well? Where’s the lamb? – inquired the lion seeing the fox empty handed.

 -Oh! My rib is broken again – said the fox – they hit me! They hit me hard!

 -Man, you’re useless. I’ll go get the food. You wait right here! – said the lion. Immediately the lion went to get a sheep and brought one back.

-You are the best, malle. You’re the best!

 -Yes, I am – said the lion as he ate while the fox watched him.

 -Come on leave a tail at least, malle.

 -Well, the good parts are mine. Ears are the best… You didn’t catch anything, so I can’t share with you.

But the fox insisted:

 -Come on, just a little!

 - No, I can’t… Oh, wait, I’ll leave you the guts – hoping that the fox would settle for that.

 -Okay! – he said.

As he was eating, the fox found the guts were very bitter.

 -It’s really bitter what my malle gave me - mumbled the fox.

 -What are you mumbling? Said the lion surprised.

 -Uh… that it’s really good what my malle gave me!

 -Oh, Okay. Now you’re going to get ready. I’ll bring a sack and your going to take the rest of the meat to my four children.

 -No problem! – said the fox. He cleaned himself up and went to take the food to the children.

The lion had cubs. They were under a big hualle. As the fox arrived he started shouting:

 - “One of you bring a pot! someone else bring the water! The other one look for firewood! Someone start the fire! The one who works more, eats more”.

But the fox had eaten all the meat along the way leaving just the clean bones.

Meanwhile the cubs kept making the fire and playing

 – Where’s the pot? – the first one to call “it’s boiling!” eats the best part!

All the cubs were busy, and the fox saw the opportunity and grabbed them and threw them into the boiling pot. Only one of the cubs managed to escape by jumping up to the oak, the other three died and the fox ran away.

The lion had been waiting for a long time: - Why hasn’t the fox come back? It’s been a long time

 - He said....Finally he went to the oak to find out.

 -Come down! what happened?

  – Said the lion to his son.

 -A man came with a long tail and pointy ears... He killed my siblings!

 -That fox! Come down, we’ll find him.

 -No! – said scared the cub – he can eat me.

 -I’ll go then! – said the lion and went to look for the fox.

On his way to find the fox, the lion bumped into a tiuque

 -Hey, tiuque! Have you seen a fox around here?

 -No, I was sowing my shirt because they were plowing here yesterday and we worked quite a lot.

 -Picking worms you mean!

As the lion walked trying to find the fox saw the jote.

 - Jote! Have you seen the fox around here?

 -No, I was washing my head.

 -Uh, your head… you’re always washing your head!

Further along he met a partridge and asked her:

 -Hey, partridge, do you know if the fox has passed by?

 -No, I don’t. I was tailoring my dress – she said.

 -Well, you don’t have enough fabric for a dress! – he said to the partridge...Later he found a swallow on a tree and asked her:

 -Hey, swallow, did you come across…

 -There! – interrupted the swallow – the fox is going to those caves!

The fox was getting into one of three caves. When the lion got to the fox grabbed him by the tail and tore off part of it. The fox managed to get in one of the caves and hide where the chingues were.

 -Let the fox out! Let the fox out! I’m going to eat him right here – yelled the lion in anger....All of a sudden a skunk came out.

 -Ouch, ouch!

 -What happened to you? - asked the lion.

 -I’m in pain, I hurt myself with a stick – said the chingue – It’s swelling up!

 -Let me see if I can help.

The skunk laid down: It hurts right here! – said the animal. But suddenly while the lion was checking him out the skunk passed gas… The lion passed out with such a foul stench, and the chingue went into the cave again.

Then the fox came out while the lion was still on the ground unconscious.

 -Well, catch me now, malle, catch me now!

He said while jumping on top of the lion… Who suddenly woke up and eagerly grabbed him by the tail, tearing it all off. ..Quickly the fox escapes into the cave to never come out again.

Another skunk came out from one of the caves.

-Ow! I’m so sick!

 -What’s wrong? – said the lion

 -It hurts, I hurt myself with a stick- said the skunk- it’s swollen!

 -Let’s see! lie down here.

The skunk also took advantage of the situation and passed gas on the lions face, who passed out, again.

After a while the lion woke up. He looked everywhere, but there were no signs of the fox. In the meantime inside the cave the chingues and the fox had planned everything to help the fox escape.

That is the story of the fox who went to heaven.